A Weather Forecaster usually provides any of the following information.

  • Temperature (In and Out)
  • Humidity (In and Out)
  • Barometric Pressure numerically and graphically
  • Weather Forecast up to 24hrs ahead
  • Moon Phases

You will probably be able to add extra Temperature, Humidity and UV sensors depending on the model.

A Complete Weather Station provides in addition to the above

  • Wind speed and direction
  • Rainfall information

Depending on the sophistication of the model you purchase you may be able to add additional sensors. Not just for temperature and humidity but also for UV (ultra violet) and solar radiation, soil moisture and temperature and leaf wetness.

Most of these complete weather station systems can be connected to a PC to log and record the data collected through a serial or usb port and even an IP connection.

To learn more about this topic, see: Which is the Best Weather Station in the UK for Me to Buy?