Brought up in Portsmouth, Plymouth and Falmouth, Dave was always particularly close to our maritime climate and says it was perhaps why he developed an early interest in the effects of the weather and in particular how it effects peoples' lives. By the time he was fifteen he was regularly submitting his monthly weather readings to the Climatological Observers Link (COL).

After joining the Met Office he worked in the vastly different environments of Kew Observatory, London and Heathrow Airport. During the eighties he left the Met Office to concentrate on developing a media and educational side to his career, gaining both a BA in TV and Media Communication and an MA Hons in Information and Communication Technology in Education.

In 2002 he started his own weather company Wiseweather ( and has been a regular contributor to various weather forums for over ten years now, having produced a wide variety of forecasts for the 'UKWeatherworld' site and others over the last decade.

For the last few years he has worked for Weather Front Ltd as both an educational advisor & contributor and conducted many successful educational Weather Days on its premises.